Add the unstrung head of your choice to your shopping cart.
Add a pocket to your shopping cart. Be sure to put the name of the head you just added to your cart in the 'Head Description' field, and check the 'Purchasing Head Today' box.
If you want your head dyed, add a dye job to your shopping cart. Be sure to put the name of the head you just added to your cart in the 'Head Description' field, and check the 'Purchasing Head Today' box.
Click the 'Shopping Cart / Checkout' link at the top of our site to view your shopping cart, then continue to 'Checkout' and place your order.
Your order will be completed and shipped from our offices approximately 2 weeks after we receive your order.
Add a pocket to your shopping cart. Be sure to put the brand and model of your head in the 'Head Description' field, and check the 'Sending Head In' box.
If you want your dyed, add a dye job to your shopping cart. Be sure to put the brand and model of your head in the 'Head Description' field, and check the 'Sending Head In' box.
Click the 'Shopping Cart / Checkout link at the top of our site to view your shopping cart, then continue to 'Checkout' and place your order.
Print and pack your order confirmation email (we'll send this to you via email when you place your order) with your head. Ship the package containing both your order confirmation email and your head to:
StylinStrings Lacrosse
360 Steel Way #1
Lancaster, PA 17601
Your order will be completed and shipped from our offices approximately 2 weeks after we receive your head.
Holiday Shipping Schedule - Click HERE